Information Technology Services


ITS-Client Services Student Employee HandBook

The Hitchhiker's Guide to Student Consulting
(Don't Panic!)

I. Personnel Practices
Mission Statement, Getting Hired, and Getting Paid

Mission Statement:
ITS-Client Services is committed to delivering responsive, high-quality, customer-oriented services and support that foster a productive and stable instructional and research environment for the students, faculty and staff of UNCG.

1. Procedures for being hired

  1. Pick up an application form from the SuperLab and fill it out
  2. Return the completed application, along with the required letters of recommendation, and a resume to the SuperLab
  3. If your application passes the initial review, you will be contacted for an interview with the Computer Lab Manager

If you are hired:

  1. Go to the Student Employment Office in Room #1, EUC Building to get an I-9 form
  2. Meet with Kerry Walker, the Processing Assistant, for payroll procedures.
  3. Meet again with the Computer Lab Manager to set up a schedule and receive all necessary training.
  4. Be aware that the University hires its student employees on a semester to semester basis.
    We anticipate re-hiring you semester after semester, however; we reserve the right to terminate
    your employment due to unsatisfactory job performance.

2. Payroll Information

Once you are made a job offer and hired as an ITS-Client Services student employee, we must have an I-9 certification form before you can be added to payroll. To fill out this form, simply go to the Student Employment Office located in Room #1, EUC Building. Student employees will be unable to begin working until after all paperwork has been approved.

To be paid for the current time period, you must be hired before the 25th of any month. If you are hired after the 25th, you may begin working immediately, however, the first paycheck you receive will be the pay period after you start. For example, if you are hired on January 30th, then the first paycheck you receive will be on March 30th. Hours worked from the 11th of month "A" through the 10th of month "B" will be paid at the end of month "B". For example, hours worked from January 11th - February 10th will be paid on February 28th.

Student time sheets are available in the Processing Assistant's office. Time sheets are usually printed on the 11th of the month, and due in the Processing Assistant's office by 5pm on the 13th or earlier if the 13th of the month falls on a weekend. For example, if the 13th falls on a Saturday or Sunday, then time sheets would be due on Monday, the 14th. Time sheets that are turned in late will not be paid until the following pay period. Payroll no longer accepts late time sheets, therefore, if your time sheet is late, there is nothing that ITS-Client Services can do to get you paid before the next pay period.
***Please keep in mind that employees are generally only given 2 business days to sign timesheets.

ITS-Client Services student employees are paid monthly on the last day of every month, usually either the 30th or 31st. To review your paycheck stub, employees should log into their UNCGenie account and choose the "Employee" tab to review their paycheck stub. If you have any questions regarding payroll or time sheets, please feel free to speak with the Process Assistant.

3. Direct Deposit

As a student employee of the University, direct deposit is mandatory. Your check will be directly deposited into your checking account. To get things started pick up a direct deposit form from the Processing Assistant. Fill in the appropriate information and attach a voided check, or document from your bank for this purpose, to the form. The form will then be sent to the Payroll department for processing. It has to be sent in 30 days prior to when paychecks are sent out , i.e. forms must be turned in by the first week of the month to affect the check at the end of the that same month. All employees may look at their monthly direct deposit pay information by logging into UNCGenie and choosing the "Employee" tab.

4. Student Time Clock

Time Clock is a program that automatically logs the hours that you work. All employees must validate their hours using Time Clock in order to be paid.

Using Time Clock

To use this program, you must first be logged in to your personal Novell NetWare Account. After you have logged in to your account:

Open the UNCG Applications from the desktop:

Click on the folder UNCG_TREE:

Click on the folder ITS Student Worker Software folder:

Click on the icon for Student Time Clock:

When you open the Time Clock application, there will be a menu bar with two buttons. The top is a box with 9:00 on it which stands for "Clock In", the middle is a box with 5:00 on it, which stands for "Clock Out" and the last button is a workbox which allows you to change your code if you do more than one job for ITS-Client Services or ITS.

To Clock IN:

  • Click on the button with the "clock".
  • Enter your assigned employee ID number (usually your University ID number).
    Click "OK."
  • This will open a box that verifies your name, the date and time.
  • Click "Continue."
  • You are now clocked in for your shift.
  • This should be the very first thing you do every shift.

To Clock OUT:

  • Click on the button with the "hand".
  • Enter your assigned employee ID number (usually your University ID number).
    Click "OK."
  • This will open a box that verifies your name, the date and time.
  • Click "Continue" if everything is correct.
  • You are now clocked out.
  • This should be done just before you leave at the end of your shift.

Notes on Logging Hours

  • If you work more than one shift per day, you will need to clock in and out at the beginning and end of each shift.
  • If you also work as an SLM or SSLM, then you should pick the job code for which job you are performing. If you change midway through your shift or immediately after, you may need to clockout and back in to change job codes.
  • If you work more than 7 hours straight you MUST take a 30 minute unpaid break. This is departmental practice. NO EXCEPTIONS!!!
  • If you have any trouble using time clock (i.e. the server is down) please email with the correct information. Clocking yourself in/out for work is the responsibility of the employee.
  • Any attempt to turn in fraudulent hours will result in immediate dismissal and possible disciplinary action by the University.

5. Pay Rate

All ITS-Client Services student employees start out making the same pay rate. You have the opportunity to advance in pay by being promoted into positions with more responsibility such as Paper & Supply Deliverer or Senior Student Lab Manager. Upon receiving one of these positions you will be notified of an increase in your pay rate, HOWEVER, if you leave a higher paying position and work only as a student consultant, your pay rate will be adjusted accordingly. (For example, if you are promoted to work on the Paper team and decide to no longer work for Paper, your pay will be adjusted back to the Lab Consultant rate). Pay raises will be considered for each employee once per year, but is predicated on budget availability. Pay raises are based on the employee's performance evaluation given by the Computer Lab Managers. If an employee receives an overall evaluation of Satisfactory, that employee will qualify for a raise of $.25 to $.50. As a reminder, each student employee position has an hourly pay rate cap. Please see the Lab Managers for your position's pay rate cap.

6. Student Employee Information Web Site

The URL: is the web site where ITS-Client Services Student Consultants can receive any valuable information. You can receive Student Employee Information, Consultant Schedules, Available Shifts, Helpful Troubleshoot Documentation, etc. As an ITS-Client Services Lab Consultant you will use this page quite frequently.

II. Personnel Practices
On the Job: Work Rules and Practices

1. Dress Code

All employees are expected to dress in a presentable manner. No tank tops, torn shirts or pants may be worn.

Employees should not be showing their midriff section while on duty and working in the labs.

Open toed shoes (flip flops, showers shoes, open toed sandals, etc.) will not be worn while you are working your shifts at any student employee position. Footwear should be worn that will cover your toes.

Currently there is no formal uniform that employees are expected to wear to work. We ask all employees to dress in a presentable manner while on duty and representing the department.


All ITS-Client Services student employees MUST be subscribed to the labstaff mailing list ( All computer lab student employees are subscribed to the labstaff listserv using your UNCG email address - NO EXCEPTIONS!!!! It is your responsibility to keep up with the email sent to labstaff. You can only send e-mail to labstaff from the address for which you are subscribed - in other words you have to send e-mails to the labstaff listserv from your UNCG email account and not a personal e-mail account.

3. Students Employees with Disabilities

Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act and the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) are federal laws that protect “otherwise qualified individuals with disabilities” from discrimination on the basis of disability and require an employer to provide a “reasonable accommodation” to employees and applicants for employment, unless it would be an undue hardship.

A student employee who claims to have a qualified disability must selfreport with the UNCG Office of Disability Services (ODS). The ODS staff will work with the student to gather medical documentation, verify the qualified disability, and identify reasonable accommodations. The student may also sign a consent for ODS staff to release information and to discuss the disability condition and reasonable accommodations with the student’s supervisor. Any questions about student applicants or student employees with disabilities should be addressed to ODS.

4. Telephones in the computer labs

When you answer the telephone, you are representing ITS-Client Services. Answer the telephone professionally and courteously. (NOTE: Computer Lab telephones can only dial on-campus numbers, with the exception of the SuperLab phone. To dial on-campus numbers from the comptuer labs, you must dial the last 5-digits of the number).

When answering the telephone in a computer lab:

  1. Speak slowly and clearly.
  2. Identify yourself when answering the telephone.
    • An example of answering the telephone is: "MHRA 1305 . This is Veronica. How may I help you?

Rules concerning telephone use in the computer labs:

  1. Telephones are for conducting the business of ITS-Client Services and not for personal use.
  2. Allow users to use the telephones to call other labs, their instructor, ITS-Client Services or Escort Services only.
  3. Pleave avoid calling the Lab Managers or a ITS-Client Services Technician and then tie up the phone line so that they cannot get in touch with you. Please be sure to keep the telephone line open.

5. Two-way Intercoms

There are two-way intercoms available in each ITS remote computer lab. The main intercom help desk is located in the SuperLab at the Senior Student Lab Manager's station. Lab Consultants and users in the computer lab may use the two-way intercom box to receive technical assistance while in the computer lab. While the primary purpose of the two-way intercoms is for clients to to receive technical assistance when a lab consultant is not present and on duty, lab consultants may also use the intercoms to contact the SuperLab. The two-way intercoms may also be used to contact campus police in the case of an emergency.

When speaking into the two-way intercom box:

  1. Press the "Tech Help" button to reach the SuperLab Intercom Help Desk.
  2. In order to hear what the SuperLab staff member is saying, please be sure to release the "Tech Help" button.
  3. Speak slowly and clearly.
  4. Identify yourself when a response is sent back from the SuperLab your lab.
    • An example of identifying yourself is: "Hi, this is Veronica. I am the lab consultant on duty in Stone 127 at this time and I have a quick question to ask
  5. Once you are done please acknowledge that your question has been answered and you do not need to press any additional buttons on the intercom.

6. Substitutes

If you are unable to work, you must find a substitute among your fellow lab consultants. Procedures for obtaining a substitute are outlined below and can also be found in Blackboard:

  1. Post your sub request on the Sub Request Board located within the work organization on Blackboard, .
  2. You may also get to the "Need a Sub" link from the main Lab Staff web page, . The work organization can be found under the "My Organizations" section of Blackboard.
  3. Once you are there, choose the "ITS-CSV Lab Student Consultants". Then choose the “gold” “Sub Boards” button on the left side of the page. There you will see the sub request forum board(s).
  4. Once you've posted for a sub, you should check back daily to see if someone has agreed to take your shift. If so, you should follow the step below for confirming a sub arrangement.
  5. When someone has accepted your shift from you - you must confirm the sub with the individual and send a message to (while carbon copying the person who is subbing for you, as well as the two lab supervisors) to let us know who is covering your shift. Employees must also post your sub confirmation on the Blackboard Sub "Lab Consultant Sub Confirmation" board.

Lab Consultants: In an emergency, contact the Lab Managers or the Senior Student Lab Manager on duty (if the neither Lab Manager is reachable). If you cannot contact anyone, please leave a message on either Lab Manager's voice mail stating the nature of the emergency and what hours and lab you were to work.

***Note: Study time, appointments, interviews, other jobs, etc. do not constitute a need for an emergency sub.

7. No Shows

All shifts begin at 10 minutes till the hour or half-hour. If your relief doesn't show at the top of the hour of when their shift is scheduled to begin:

  • The first no-show will prompt an email warning. The second no-show will result in being released as an ITS-Client Services Student Employee as well as a signed statement from the employee being placed in the employee's personnel file agreeing to the release of employment. Employee attendance is recorded and is reviewed and discussed during the employee's evaluation period.
  • During office hours of 8 a.m. to 5 p.m., call Veronica, Student Computing Manager (334-5630).
  • During office hours of 1 p.m. to 10 p.m., call Stacey, Evening Lab Coordinator (256-1308).
  • After hours and on weekends, call the SSLM on-duty in the SuperLab (334-4685).

8. Being Late

If you are going to be late and if it is between 8 a.m to 5 p.m., please call Veronica, Student Lab Manager (334-5630) as early as you can so that she can make arrangements to have someone fill that time period. If you are going to be late and if it is between 1 p.m to 10 p.m., please call Stacey, Evening Lab Coordinator (256-1308) as early as you can so that she can make arrangements to have someone fill that time period. If neither Lab Manager is available, call the SSLM on duty (334-4685) and then call the lab you are supposed to work and inform the person currently on duty that you will be late.

Excessive tardiness for work will not be tolerated and is grounds for release of employment with the department. Employee attendance is recorded and is reviewed and discussed during the employee's evaluation period.

9. Severe Weather and Other Emergency Conditions

If you have any questions if the University will be open due to severe weather call the University hot line at 334-5700 and listen to the recorded message. If you are still in doubt you can call University Police at 334-4444. University Police will also post any closing information on their web page at . If the University is open, so are the labs.
One exception is that the late night SuperLab shift may be cancelled and the lab closed early even if the University is officially open. The decision will be made at the discretion of the ITS-Client Services Associate Vice Chancellor in consultation with the Director and Lab Manager and will be publicized to lab users via the ITS Labs web site and posted signs at the lab.

We realize that sometimes, especially if you live off campus, that it might be difficult to get in. Please contact the Lab Manager at if you cannot make it to your shift, or contact the SSLM on duty in the SuperLab if neither Lab Manager is not available. We want you to be safe, but you are still responsible for contacting us if you can't get in.

If you live on campus and might be able to help in an emergency situation, please call the SuperLab in the morning to see if any shifts have opened up.

If severe weather or any other emergency arises during the course of the work day, the Chancellor makes a decision whether or not to close the campus. When ITS-Client Services receives official notification of any campus closing you will be notified. Do not close the lab in which your are working without being directed to do so by the Lab Manager, the Associate Vice Chancellor, or other ITS-Client Services permanent staff.

III. Student Employee Staff Duties

1. Legal and Ethical Responsibilities

Working for ITS-Client Services is different from almost any other campus job you might have. When you are hired as a student employee, especially if you are a Senior Student Lab Manager, you are in a position of trust. You may have access to users' personal information. This means you also have a great responsibility to act in an ethical and responsible manner, to safeguard that information, and to protect the integrity of users' accounts.

Passwords, whether for logging onto the UNCG Network, the e-mail system, Blackboard, or UNCGenie, are to be protected from misuse and abuse, whether intentional or unintentional. Any user who requests a password reset without using the Self-service Password Resetting page (SSPR) must present a valid UNCG student ID and have their identity confirmed before a password or PIN can be changed. There are no exceptions to this policy whatsoever, even if it's someone you know or have seen in class. If you request that a user's password be changed without verifying the user's identity, it may make you, and, by extension, ITS-Client Services, complicit in what is in fact a criminal activity. If you violate this policy of requiring a valid UNCG student ID before requesting a password change for a user, you will be released as an employee.

Misuse of personal information
If, as a student consultant, knowingly accesses another user's account without authorization from that user, either by using the information you have access to as a student consultant or which you gained in any other way, you will be released as an employee immediately and are subject to disciplinary action by the University. You also may not use any user's personal information for your own personal use, such as requesting a date. This may constitute sexual harassment and subject you to both dismissal from your position as a student consultant and disciplinary action by the university.

Sexual Harassment
Sexual harassment of either users or other student consultants will not be tolerated. This includes, but is not limited to, such activities as using sexually explicit language or telling sexually based jokes on the job, discussing or making reference to your own or others' sexual activities, making other sexual remarks or sexual advances, or creating a climate in which a person feels uncomfortable. This type of behavior makes you subject both to dismissal from your position as a student consultant and disciplinary action by the university.

ITS-Client Services student consultants agree to abide by the same policy concerning sexual harassment that governs all University Employees. This policy can be found on-line at and is reproduced below.

2. Rules Governing All Student Lab Consultant Staff

  1. Arrive at your shift at least 10 minutes before the hour.
  2. Upon arrival, check out the lab for missing machinery, broken machines, printer problems and the general condition of the lab. Report all problems to the proper people as outlined in this manual.
  3. While on duty, all student employees must wear an official ITS-Client Services employee badge.
  4. Help users courteously and politely. If you come across a question you can't answer, contact the SuperLab if you are in a remote lab to speak with the SSLM on duty. If the SSLM on duty is not familiar with how to answer the question he/she will contact the contact the Lab Managers for direction of how to best answer your question.
  5. Often times lab consultants may need to be asked to work in a computer lab that is different from the one they have been scheduled to work. Lab Consultants should be prepared to help the Lab Manager in another location should they be needed.

3. Student Lab Consultants Job Duties

Job Description

  • Arrive at work 10 minutes before the hour
  • Call the SSLM at the beginning of your shift to report you are at work
  • At opening, turn on printers, check paper supply and check condition of lab
  • Make sure lab is clean and neat at both the beginning and end of shift
  • Sit at designated lab consultant workstation
  • Wear ITS-Client Services employee ID badge. It should be visible. DO NOT wear your tag on your belt loop
  • Fill out Daily Lab Log to report what you have done during your shift
  • Take Lab Count every hour
  • Clean Computer Monitors & Keyboards when not busy assisting lab users
  • Walk around lab frequently to check on users
  • Answer questions and resolve problems for users
  • Report all problems
  • Spend quiet time learning different software packagesby taking online computer-based training courses as directed by the Computer Lab Manager.
  • At closing, turn off all machines, push chairs under desks and pick up litter

Student Consultant Duties

Student Consultants will arrive at their shifts at 10 minutes before the hour. Upon arrival they will call the SSLM to report they are in their respective lab, check out the lab for missing machinery, broken machines, printer problems and the general condition of the lab. If there are any problems, they will contact the Lab Coordinator or the SSLM on duty.

They will check the lab reservation schedule ( If a class is scheduled during your shift, turn on the computers and make sure they work. Ask the instructor if he/she would like your assistance.

Lab Consultants will also be responsible for filling out the Daily Lab Log while on duty. In this log the lab consultant should note everything that took place while on duty. For example, when they clocked in, when paper was changed, when toner was changed, when a class was in the lab, if there were any altercations, etc. Lab Consultants are also responsible for getting a count of users in the labs every hour and put it in the lab count notebook.

If there are any major server or network problems, Student Consultants will do the following:

  • Contact SSLM on duty in SuperLab (334-4685), who will contact the Service Desk (256-TECH) to have a ticket open
  • SSLM will also collaborate with Lab Coordinator(s) about situation at hand for further instruction of situation

Student Consultants will attempt to help any users with problems that they might have courteously and politely. If any question cannot be answered, they will contact the Senior Student Lab Manager in the SuperLab (334-4685) for help. They will not simply say "I don't know" without attempting to find an answer for the user.

They will not simply say "I don't know" without attempting to find an answer for the user.
They will frequently walk around the lab and ask users if they need help, but they won't badger the users.

If there is currently no one needing help, they will sit at a clearly marked Student Consultant workstation. They will check out software available in that lab and familiarize themselves with any software they may not know as well as research web sites for information that can use to enhance their job. Some homework is permitted, but only if it does not interfere with helping the users. Headphones may NOT be worn while on duty.

Student Consultants will familiarize themselves with the Hitchhikers Guide and the ITS-Client Services Web Pages.

When closing a lab, Student Consultants will turn off all machines, push in chairs, check the labs for trash.

Senior Student Lab Manager Job Duties

Job Description

  • Work majority of shifts in the SuperLab
  • Carry SSLM cell phone to be accessible by the Lab Coordinators or lab consultants, when out opening or closing computer labs.
  • Send out e-mail to the labstaff listserv at the beginning of their SSLM shift to inform Lab Consultants of their shift and how to they can be contacted
  • Sign up for AOL AIM account and log on to it at the beginning of each SSLM shift so Lab Coordinators can quickly communicate with you
  • Make rounds to all labs after 5pm to make sure they are closed and there are no problems
  • Send out detailed nightly report to the SSLM listserv
  • Clean Computer Monitors & Keyboards when not busy assisting lab users

Senior Student Lab Manager Duties

The SSLM on duty will report to the both Computer Lab Managers.

While on duty as the SSLM, the employee will work in the SuperLab at the designated SSLM workstation to be readily accessible to assist the lab consultants at the front with any questions as well as to receive telephone calls or intercom help desk calls. The SSLM will respond to calls and resolve problems that come in through the main SuperLab number, 334-4685 or through the intercom help desk.

The SSLM will go to each in the morning to ensure they are open as well as visit each lab at closing time to ensure each lab has been closed correctly. Once during their shift, day and evening, each scheduled SSLM will walk around to random labs to check on the condition of the lab. Also, the SSLM may be required to walk around to computer labs that may have closed before they came on shift and check that those labs have been closed correctly.

Each week, a computer lab consultant schedule will be printed showing who will be working in each lab. The SSLM will verify that the Student Consultants are working their shifts by checking off student consultants as they call in to report being in their assigned lab.

The SSLM will send out an e-mail message to the listserv to inform the lab consultants who is the SSLM for the shift and the duration of their SSLM shift. This message will be sent out at the beginning of that SSLM's shift.

The SSLM will check out reservations for the day, to include the Bryan 209 computer lab, as well as check evening lab reservations by referring to the online daily lab reservation schedule and make sure that the proper labs are opened and/or closed or cleared of students for lab reservations where there is not a lab consultant scheduled to work. If availabilty permits, the SSLM may be available at the beginning of the classes to make sure that all is functioning properly.

Just before the end of their shift, the SSLM will send a report to the Lab Managers and the other SSLMs by sending e-mail to the listserv detailing any events/problems during his/her shift.

If any problems arise that the SSLM cannot resolve, they will call or e-mail the Lab Managers.

The SSLMs are required to attend all scheduled SSLM meetings. There are generally two meetings scheduled per semester.

5. Paper & Supply Deliverer Job Duties

Job Description & Duties

  • Will ensure all ITS remote computer labs (9) on campus are well stocked with reams paper (no less than 10 reams at any given time), printer toner (no less than 1 unused cartridge at any given time), and other lab supplies (i.e. tape, staples, staplers, hole punchers, scissors, etc.) as instructed by Lab Managers.
  • Will check labs every other day to check the status of the lab supplies.
  • Will keep detailed reports of the lab supplies in log provided by Manager.
  • Will report to Manager when a new paper or toner shipment is needed.
  • If available and scheduled to work, the employee will come to SuperLab when new paper or toner shipment is being made to help stock paper and/or toner in SuperLab.
  • Will coordinate with Technical Services Manager when they can use the departmental van to make large paper/toner deliveries to labs.
  • The paper & supply deliverer must be dependable, reliable, honest, trustworthy and organized.
  • Must be able to lift at least 25 pounds
  • Must have valid driver’s license with no extenuating citations
  • Must be able to legally work in the US.

6. "Do"s and "Don't"s for Helping Users

The first business of ITS-Client Services is Customer Service! All student consultants are expected to exhibit a positive and professional attitude toward all of our users. Below are some "Do"s and "Don't"s to help you represent ITS-Client Services in the best possible way:


  • ...conduct yourself in a calm, professional, friendly manner at all times.
  • willing to learn. No one knows everything.
  • ...define the client's problem by asking questions before offering a solution.
  • ...budget your time. Get the client started, assist others, then come back and follow up on the client's progress.
  • ...refer the client to on-line help (6TECH online), manuals or documents, or the ITS Service Desk (256-8324 or 6-TECH) if you are unable to provide a solution.
  • sure to "think out loud." If you're troubleshooting a problem be sure to let the client know what you're doing and how you're doing it so they might be able to troubleshoot future problems.
  • ...let the client do the typing. Keep your hands off the keyboard if at all possible.
  • ...make fun of the problem, software package or operating system being used.
  • ...make the client feel inferior or stupid.

  • ...speak to the client in a condensing tone.
  • homework for a client. This is against University Policy.
  • ...give up until you find a solution or can refer the client to someone who can.

7. Reporting Technical Problems in Computer Labs

If you have problems with a piece of machinery, take the following steps:

  • Confirm the nature of the problem.
  • Correct any problems you can without disassembling equipment.
  • Fill out the Hardware/Software Problem Report Web Page located at:
  • Print out a copy of the web page after you've filled it out and tape it to the monitor of the machine or to the printer.
  • If the lab is experiencing network problems or other problems that you feel are urgent, please contact the Lab Manager or the SSLM on duty. If neither is available, call the Service Desk at 256-TECH(8324).
  • Please do not open up machinery yourself. ITS-Client Services will arrange for repair.

8. Paper or Toner in the Labs

  • In each lab there is a designated area, a lockable cabinet or closet, where paper is stored. Please be aware of that area in your lab and also of how much paper and toner is in the lab.
  • When the paper supply reaches 10 reams remaining, please send mail to . Indicate how much paper is left in the lab.
  • If there is no unused toner cartridge availabe in the lab for which you are scheduled to work, please send mail to . Indicate that a new unused toner cartridge is needed for the lab.
  • When the paper bins become full send e-mail to to have them emptied or you may notify the Lab Manager that the bin needs to be emptied.
  • It is the responsibility of ALL Lab Consultants to report when paper or toner is getting low. Please do not assume that the last lab consultants on duty already reported it.

9. Printers

  • One of your duties as a student consultant is to keep a check on the printer in your lab to make sure it is operational ­ i.e. Full of paper, toner, etc.
  • In each lab there is a designated area, a lockable cabinet or closet, where toner is stored. Please be aware of that area in your lab and also of how much toner is in the lab.
  • When the toner supply gets to only one box, please send mail to . Indicate how much toner is left in the lab.
  • It is the responsibility of ALL Student Consultants to report when toner is getting low. Don't assume whoever had the last shift already reported it.
  • If the printer in your lab experiences technical problems that need to be fixed by one of the ITS-Client Services technicians please report this problem to the SSLM on duty and the Lab Managers. They will at that time give you direction as to how you should proceed. If is likely that the lab consultant will need to fill out the Technical Problem Report form located at .

IV. Dealing with Users and Difficult Situations

There are two situations which will call on you to use your judgment and maturity - those in which users violate established lab practices, and emergency situations.

1. Food and Beverages in the Labs

Drinks with secured lids are allowed in the computer labs, however food is not allowed inside the computer labs. If a client has food in the lab and it's during a class, first, approach the instructor and explain that food is not permitted in the lab. If the professor refuses to act, get his/her name, email the Student Computing Manager and she will speak to them directly. We do not allow food in the labs because the crumbs may damage the computers and keyboard and create an extremely unpleasant and unsafe environment. There are no exceptions, including during periods when the labs are reserved for classes. This information has been provided to all faculty and staff who teach in the computer labs and is available from our main Computer Lab web site, and choosing "Lab Guidelines" on the left-hand side of the page.

If it's not during a class, the person should be told that food is not permitted in the lab, and they should be asked to leave the lab if they refuse to stop eating. Again, drinks are only allowd if the container has a secured lid. No open cups or containers are allowed. If a client refuses to refrain from eating or to leave the lab to do so, you may then call University Police. Be sure to call the SSLM on duty to inform him/her of the incident and be sure to email both Lab Managers about the incident immediately. Any time you call University Police (x44444), be sure to log the incident in the lab's daily lab log notebook and call the Computer Lab Managers with the details.

** Please DO NOT get into an altercation with a student, Faculty, or staff member. **

2. Other violations of Lab Practices

Although most of our clients are friendly, reasonable people, you may be helped by referring to the on-line guidelines outlining common lab practices. These may be found at . If you have any questions about these, or have a user who refuses to abide by them, contact the SSLM on duty or the Lab Managers.

3. Emergencies

If you feel the safety of yourself or others is at risk for any reason:

  • Immediately call University Police at x44444 from the computer lab phone. You may also, press the "Campus Police" button from the two-way intercom box in the computer lab.
  • Call the Lab Manager or the SSLM on duty after contacting the University Police.

A.) Fires

Your safety and the safety of others is the primary thing to remember!

Know where the fire extinguisher is in your lab before an emergency arises. Know how to remove it from its holder.

If there is not a fire extinguisher in the lab, there is one nearby. Locate it the first time you are assigned to the lab.

Learn the nearest and alternate exit routes from the building.

A1.) Building Fires

Ask everyone to leave the building and exit yourself.

It is your responsibility to be the last individual leaving the computer lab.

Stay calm.. Know the shortest way and an alternate route out of the building.

Do not use the elevator.

Lock the door behind you.

After you have left the building, contact the Lab Manager or the SSLM on duty immediately.

A2.) Electrical Fires

If you are in danger, ask everyone to leave the room and exit yourself.

Close but do not lock the door behind you.

If you determine it is safe to remain:

Spray the fire extinguisher at and in the burning equipment.

Call University Police at x44444.

Call the Lab Manager or the SSLM on duty immediately.

A3.) Wastebasket Fires

If you are in danger, ask everyone to leave the room and exit yourself.

Close but do not lock the door behind you.

If you determine it is safe to remain:

  • Turn the wastebasket upside down to smother the fire.
  • Use the fire extinguisher on the wastebasket.

Call University Police at x44444.

Call the Lab Manager or the SSLM on duty immediately.

V. Responsible, Ethical, and Secure Use of
Computing Facilities


All ITS employees are responsible for understanding and acting according to the University's Information Security Policies posted at :

The area of ITS-Client Services supports the instruction and research computing related needs of the UNCG community. ITS-Client Services serves a large number and variety of users--students, graduate students, faculty and some staff members using a variety of computing systems. All users with access to campus computing facilities have the responsibility to use the facilities in an effective, efficient, ethical, and legal manner.

Ethical and legal standards, in particular, that apply to the use of computing facilities are not unique to the computing field; rather they derive directly from standards of common sense and common decency that apply to the use of any public resource. Indeed, ITS-Client Services depends upon the spirit of mutual respect and cooperative attitudes that has been fostered at UNCG to resolve differences and problems that arise from time to time. This statement on conditions of use is published in that spirit. The purpose of the statement is to promote the responsible, ethical, and secure use of computing facilities for the protection of all users.

The word "system" is used in this document to refer to ANY and ALL computing systems available to ITS-Client Services computing users. Therefore a microcomputer or a VAX is considered a system.

Authorized Use

As a condition of use of the computer labs, or any other campus computing services the user agrees:

1. To respect the privacy of other users; this includes an ABSOLUTE prohibition on:

  • Using another individual's account.
  • Attempting to read, modify, copy or destroy a user's data files, tapes, diskettes, or password without that user's express permission.
  • Attempting to use SYSTEM, OPERATOR, INSTRUCTOR, SUPERVISOR, SUPERUser, or any similar privileges, except under the authority of the Associate Vice-Chancellor for Information Technology and only for the authorized purposes.
  • Attempting to harass other users by altering system software, attempting to invade or damage system components, attempting to damage or bypass system protections, attempting to propagate harmful or annoying software such as viruses, worms or Trojan horses.
  • Unauthorized removal or modification of equipment.

2. To respect the financial structure of the system; this includes a prohibition on:

  1. Attempting to develop or use mechanisms to alter or avoid charges levied by the University for computing.
  2. Using the computer with any but one's own current authorized account.
  3. Using the computer for non-University purposes such as commercial use or any other such use unless authorized in advance.

3. To respect the rights of others; this includes a prohibition on:

  1. Use of the e-mail system or any other facility to communicate threats, obscenities, annoying messages (junk mail), or suggestive remarks.
  2. Use of the e-mail system or any other facility to communicate information with the intent to commit or to suggest a criminal act.

Violation of the conditions--e.g., use of another user's account; tampering with other users' files, tapes, diskettes or passwords; harassment of other users; unauthorized alteration of computer charges--is certainly unethical and is frequently a criminal offense. Therefore, when ITS becomes aware of possibly violations of these conditions, ITS-Client Services will initiate an investigation.

At the same time, in order to prevent further possibly unauthorized activity, ITS-Client Services may suspend the authorization of computing services to the computer user in question. In accordance with established University practices, confirmation of unauthorized use of the computing facilities may result in disciplinary review, expulsion from the University, termination of employment, and/or legal action.

Users of the system should be aware that although ITS-Client Services, through its cooperation with the Department of Systems and Networks (SYN), provides and preserves security of files, account numbers, and passwords, security can be breached through actions of the user or causes beyond the reasonable control of ITS-Client Services or SYN. Users are urged, therefore, to safeguard data by making backups, to take full advantage of file security mechanisms built into the computing system, to use software provided on the system or by others to prevent the spread of harmful programs, to change account passwords frequently, and to use passwords which are not readily associated with themselves.

Appropriate Use

The computing environment shall be used in a manner consistent with the instructional and research objectives of the UNCG community, in general, and consistent with the objectives of the specific project for which such use was authorized. All uses of the system inconsistent with these objectives, even if authorized, are considered to be inappropriate use and may jeopardize further authorization.

When possibly inappropriate use of the computer is encountered, the Associate Vice Chancellor (AVC) of ITS-Client Services or a person designated by him/her shall notify the user why remedial action is considered appropriate.

Should possibly inappropriate use of the system continue after notification of the user or should unresolvable differences of opinion persist, these shall be brought to the attention of the AVC of ITS-Client Services for further action.

Information Technology Services (ITS) Computing Responsibilities

The primary responsibility of ITS at UNCG is to provide service to the computing community of the University. At certain times the process of carrying out these responsibilities may require ITS-Client Services to request Systems and Networks to take special actions within the system. In general, members of the ITS-Client Services staff have few special rights above and beyond those of the other users. The ITS-Client Services and SYN shall make every effort to ensure that persons in positions of trust do not misuse computing resources or take advantage of their positions to access information not required in the performance of their duties.

ITS-Client Services prefers not to act as a disciplinary agency or to engage in policing activities. However, in cases of unauthorized, inappropriate, or irresponsible behavior ITS-Client Services does reserve the right to take action in support of the University's Information Security Policies.

The ITS-Client Services staff has an obligation to consult with faculty on all proposed changes which could affect on-going teaching and research and to provide as much advance notice as possible to all users of the implementation of such changes.

VI. Sexual Harassment Policy and Procedures
Approved by UNCG Board of Trustees 9 Feb. 1995


Sexual harassment and discrimination are illegal and endanger the environment of tolerance, civility, and mutual respect that must prevail if the University is to fulfill its mission. The University of North Carolina at Greensboro is committed to providing and promoting an atmosphere in which employees can realize their maximum potential in the work place and students can engage fully in the learning process. Toward this end, all members of the University community must understand that sexual harassment, sexual discrimination, and sexual exploitation of professional relationships violate the University's policy and will not be tolerated. The University will take every step to resolve grievances promptly. Any act by the University's employees or students of reprisal, interference, or any other form of retaliation, whether direct or indirect, against a student or employee for raising concerns covered by this policy is also a violation of this policy. Accordingly, members of the University community are prohibited from acts of reprisal against individuals who bring complaints or are involved as witnesses in any action connected with this policy.

A. Applicability

This policy applies to all applicants for employment and admission to University programs, officers and employees of the University, students, and persons who serve the University as its agents and are under the control of the University. Specific adherence to this policy shall be made an express term of every contracted services agreement entered into by the University.

B. Sexual Harassment-Definitions

Two categories of sexual harassment are recognized:

  1. Quid Pro Quo

    Sexual harassment presented as a "bargain" (quid pro quo).

    Unwelcome sexual advances, requests for sexual favors, and other verbal and physical conduct of a sexual nature by one in a superior position constitutes "bargained-for sexual harassment" when submission by another is made either an explicit or implicit term or condition of employment or of academic standing. In this case apparent consent of the submitting party is less relevant than the extent to which the sexual conduct is unwelcome. As defined here, "bargained-for sexual harassment" normally arises in the context of an authority relationship. This relationship may be direct as in the case of a supervisor and subordinate or teacher and student or it may be indirect when the harasser has the power to direct others who have authority over the victim.

  2. Environmental Sexual Harassment

    Unwelcome sexual advances, requests for sexual favors, and other verbal and physical conduct of a sexual nature constitute "environmental sexual harassment" when such conduct has the purpose or effect of creating an intimidating, hostile, or offensive environment which unreasonably interferes with another's work, academic performance, or privacy. Environmental harassment can inflict emotional and psychological harm on individuals and can make relationships and the work or study environment unpleasant, threatening and unproductive. However, there is no requirement that evidence of actual emotional or psychological harm be shown in order for environmental sexual harassment to be found to have occurred.

    In determining whether alleged conduct constitutes sexual harassment as defined in this policy, the record as a whole will be considered as well as the context in which the conduct occurred. "Environmental sexual harassment" normally arises from a repeated and pervasive course of conduct whereas "bargained-for sexual harassment" can be based on a single act.

    Facts will be judged on the basis of what is reasonable to persons of ordinary sensitivity and not on the particular susceptibility of an individual, unless that susceptibility is known to the alleged harasser.

C. Penalties

Penalties will be determined on the basis of the facts of each case and the extent of harm to the University's interests, as well as any University record indicating previous similar wrongdoing by the accused person. Penalties will be set according to regulations governing student conduct and employment relationships. These regulations are described in the Policy Manual of UNCG, the UNCG Policies for Students Handbook, the Handbook for Faculty, and the Policy Manual for Staff Employees .

D. Anti-retaliation Assurance

This policy seeks to encourage students and employees to express freely, responsibly, and in an orderly way opinions and feelings about any problem or complaint of sexual harassment. Any act of reprisal, including internal interference, coercion, and restraint, by a University employee or by one acting on behalf of the University, violates this policy and will result promptly in appropriate disciplinary action.

E. Improper complaints


This policy shall not be used to bring frivolous or malicious complaints against students or employees. If a complaint has been made in bad faith, disciplinary action will be taken against the person bringing the complaint.

F. Confidentiality

Information generated in the course of informal reviews and formal investigations necessary to enforcing this policy will be given the full extent of confidentiality accorded by law to employee personnel records and student educational records. Any person who, without authorization, reveals such information will be subject to disciplinary action. The sharing of the content of complaints will be on a "need to know" basis and will depend on the type of review and response required by the complainant. In any case when a complaint is being mediated and/or investigated, the accused will be informed of the specific details of the complaint.

G. Responsibility for Implementation

An employee in a supervisory position who has knowledge of conduct involving sexual harassment that may have occurred in his or her unit must take action to address the matter immediately. Not to do so may result in serious consequences for the University and will be considered a breach of supervisory responsibility.


A. Initiation of complaint

  1. Employees

    An employee who wishes to complain of sexual harassment by another employee must initially communicate the facts of the complaint to one of the following: (1) the supervisor or faculty department head most directly concerned, excluding the person accused [1] , or (2) the Affirmative Action Officer. An employee who wishes to complain of sexual harassment by a student must initially communicate the facts to the Office of the Vice Chancellor for Student Affairs.

    The complaint may be initially communicated orally, but it must be presented in writing before any review or other action takes place.

  2. Students

    A student who wishes to complain of sexual harassment by a faculty member or other employee must initially communicate the facts of the complaint to one of the following: (1) the supervisor or faculty department head most directly concerned, excluding the person accused [2] , (2) the Office of the Vice Chancellor for Student Affairs, or (3) the Affirmative Action Officer. If a student has a complaint about a possible violation of this policy by another student, the complaint must be communicated to the Office of the Vice Chancellor for Student Affairs.

    The complaint may be initially communicated orally, but it must be presented in writing before any review or other action takes place.

B. Duties of the official Receiving the Complaint

The Official receiving the complaint must do the following things:

Advise the complainant of the meaning and importance of this policy, the seriousness of the complaint, the penalties for making improper complaints, and the University's commitment to prevent retaliation.

Make written notes of the allegations

Explain the options for handling the complaint as described in Section II. C., document the complainant's choice, and explain that the complaint must be submitted in writing before any review or other action takes place.

Advise the complainant of the University's policy on confidentiality.

Notify the University Counsel and the Affirmative Action Officer, in writing, of the complaint, of the advice given to the complainant, and of the option chosen by the complainant.

C. Options for Investigation and Resolution

Complaints may be resolved through either informal or formal processes as described below. Informal means are encouraged as the beginning point, but the choice of where to begin rests with the complainant. Additionally, a complainant may elect to withdraw a complaint at any time; however, because all egregious acts must be investigated, the University reserves the right to investigate all complaints where necessary to protect the interests of the University or the community.

1. Informal Resolution Options
Individual Resolution

The complainant may attempt to resolve the matter directly with the accused individual and report back to the official receiving the complaint within a mutually agreed time.


The complainant may request that an attempt be made to resolve the complaint through mediation. If such a request is made, the official receiving the complaint shall determine whether the accused is willing to engage in mediation, and, if so, a mediator shall be selected by mutual agreement of the complainant and the accused. The role of the mediator is to facilitate discussion and to suggest alternative resolutions. The mediator does not investigate the complaint or assign blame. The mediator will report the outcome of the process to the official receiving the complaint.

2. Reporting the Outcome of Informal Resolution
a. Administrative Investigation and Resolution

The complainant may request that the complaint be administratively investigated and resolved. Because all egregious acts must be investigated, even in the absence of such a request, the official receiving the complaint may initiate an administrative investigation if, after consultation with the University Counsel, an investigation is deemed necessary to protect the interests of the University or the community. If the accused is an employee, the investigation will be conducted by the accused's supervisor with assistance from the official receiving the complaint. [3] If the accused is a student, the investigation will be conducted by the Office of Student Affairs. The investigator(s) will do the following things:

  1. Make inquiries of those persons who may be able to verify the truth of the complaint, especially including the accused. (Due regard must be given to the principles of confidentiality.) The complainant should be given advance notice of the date when the accused will be informed about the complainant's accusations.
  2. Communicate with the Affirmative Action Officer to determine whether there have been other complaints of sexual harassment made to the University by the complainant or about the accused.
  3. Prepare a written report of the complaint which includes
    • - an identification of the complainant and the accused
    • - the complainant's written statement of the complaint
    • - the accused's response to the complaint
    • -the findings and a summary of the facts that constitute the basis for those findings
    • -a discussion of any problems encountered in the investigations, such as lack of witnesses or refusal of the accused to respond
    • -the resolution or recommendation for resolution [4]

      A final copy of the report will be sent to the complainant and the accused along with notice that either party may submit written comments for inclusion with the report within 7 days of receipt of the report. The final report, along with the parties' comments, will be provided to the University Counsel and the Affirmative Action Officer. [5]

      Either party who is dissatisfied with the report or with the resolution of the complaint, may appeal by filing a formal grievance with the appropriate employee or student grievance committee.

b. Investigation and Hearing by Committee

Any student or employee who wishes to bring a complaint under this policy may directly request an investigation and hearing by a grievance committee or may approach this step following unsuccessful attempts at informal resolution under sections II.C.1.a.(Individual Resolution) or b.(Mediation) or an unsatisfactory result from an administrative investigation under section II.C.2.a.(Formal Administrative Investigation and Resolution). In addition, any person subject to adverse administrative action as the result of an administrative investigation and resolution under section II.C.2.a., may bring a complaint for resolution by formal investigation and hearing, as described in the following:

(1)Types of Formal Committee Review Procedures

The particular route for accomplishing a formal investigation and hearing depends on the status of the complainant as referenced in the following:

(a) Students

A student or student employee who has a complaint under this policy against another student will proceed in accordance with the "Student Disciplinary Code." Information concerning the "Code" is contained in the UNCG Policies for Students Handbook and is available from the Office of the Vice Chancellor for Student Affairs. At the discretion of the Vice Chancellor for Student Affairs or his/her delegate, a complaint by a student employee against another student employee may be heard in administrative proceedings of the area where the grievance arose.

A student or student employee who has a complaint under this policy against a faculty member or other employee of the University will proceed in accordance with the "Grievance Procedures for UNCG Students," contained in the UNCG Policies for Students Handbook. Information concerning this process is available from the Office of the Vice Chancellor for Student Affairs.

(b) Faculty

A faculty member who has a complaint under this policy against any other employee of the University will proceed in accordance with the procedures of the Faculty Grievance Committee. However, a faculty member who alleges a violation of this policy as evidence of discrimination in reaching a non reappointment decision or in the case of discharge or serious sanction will complain to the Faculty Due Process Committee. Information on the procedures of the Faculty Grievance Committee and the Faculty Due Process Committee is available from the Office of Faculty Governance.

A faculty member who has a complaint under this policy against a student will proceed in accordance with the "Student Disciplinary Code." Information concerning the "Code" is contained in the UNCG Policies for Students Handbook and is available from the Office of the Vice Chancellor for Student Affairs.

(c) Employees Subject to the State Personnel Act (SPA Employees)

Complaints will be filed in accordance with the "Grievance Policy and Procedures for Staff Employees Subject to the State Personnel Act" (SPA), contained in the Policy Manual for Staff Employees . SPA employees and applicants for SPA positions have the additional option of filing a complaint with the North Carolina Personnel Commission. Information on either of these procedures is available from the Office of Human Resources.

(d) Employees Exempt from the State Personnel Act (EPA Employees)

Complaints will be filed in accordance with "Personnel Policies for Designated Employment Exempt from the State Personnel Act," (EPA), contained in the Policy Manual for Staff Employees. Information on these procedures is available from the Office of the Provost.

(2) General Guidelines for Formal Committee Review

All steps of inquiry into complaints made under this policy will be closed and confidential. The chair of the review committee hearing a case under this policy will advise all members and participants of their obligation to maintain confidentiality of the complaint and evidence presented at the hearing, and, where appropriate, will seek legal advice on the personal and institutional liability for failure to do so.

The hearing body will notify the person bringing the complaint of the obligation to present sufficient evidence to prove the case. The hearing body will examine only evidence which is relevant to the complaint.

At the conclusion of the review, all documents that have been generated will be sent to the University Counsel. In addition to following reporting requirements pertaining to various review committees which may hear a case under this policy, the review committee will provide a copy of its final report and recommendations to the University Counsel and the Affirmative Action Officer.

Any supervisor or administrator receiving such a report and recommendations has the obligation, before deciding a response, to communicate with the Affirmative Action Officer about any previous similar complaints within the University against the accused and any other similar complaints brought by the complainant against others within the University.

The supervisor or administrator making a decision on the matter will notify the accused and the complainant in writing. He or she will provide copies of the final decision to the University Counsel and to the Affirmative Action Officer. If the decision results in a disciplinary action against the accused, the supervisor or administrator will provide one copy of the writing describing his or her action for placement in the official University records of the accused, with notification to the accused of remedies granted to employees who object to material in a personnel file.

Following the completion of the appropriate review of the complaint, either the complainant or the accused may appeal the disposition of the matter according to existing University procedures. Information concerning such procedures is available in the Department of Human Resource Services (SPA), the Office of the Provost (EPA), and the Office of Student Affairs (students).


[1] If the complainant has a reasonable basis for believing that the supervisor of the accused may not be objective, the complainant may communicate the complaint to the next higher level supervisor.

[2] If the complainant has a reasonable basis for believing that the supervisor of the accused may not be objective, the complainant may communicate the complaint to the next higher level supervisor.

[3] If the complainant has a reasonable basis for believing that the supervisor of the accused may not be objective, the investigation will be conducted by the next higher level supervisor.

[4] If the resolution or recommendation includes disciplinary action, the reference to that action shall be redacted from the copy sent to the other party.

[5] Due to exigencies inherent in the academic calendar no set time is mandated for completion of the investigation and report. However, in fairness to both the accused and the accuser, the investigation and report should be completed expeditiously.

VII. ITS-Client Services Agreement on Conditions of Employment
for Student Consultants

We hope your employment with ITS-Client Services will be a stimulating and rewarding part of your University experience.

The Associate Vice Chancellor, the Student Computing Manager and all the staff of ITS-Client Services believe your work experience will make a significant contribution to your education and will assist you in your ability to obtain a job after graduation.
We welcome your questions about the computer systems, software, and our organization.
As a member of the ITS-Client Services student staff you share in the responsibility of providing outstanding service to the faculty members, students, staff, and other users. In order to ensure orderly operation, you must understand and subscribe to the following standards governing your relationships with clients, regular staff and student staff of ITS-Client Services:


  1. My first responsibility is to ensure the smooth operation of the labs. This includes the security of software and labs, seeing that printers operate properly, assisting users as needed but not to the point of doing homework.
  1. I will always give clients my prompt and undivided attention when they request my help, or appear to need it. If I cannot solve a client's problem then I will try to put her/him in touch with a staff member who can.
  1. I will stay alert when I am on duty so I may render assistance as needed.
  1. I will read the Academic Integrity Policy so that I understand its principles. I understand that a violation of the Academic Integrity Policy of the University of North Carolina at Greensboro by me is reason for my dismissal or reassignment from my position.
  1. I will read the Student Code of Conduct so that I understand its principles. I understand that a violation of the Student Code of Conduct of the University of North Carolina at Greensboro by me is reason for my dismissal or reassignment from my position.
  2. I will not use or make public any information that I become aware of in the course of my duties as a student consultant concerning individual users such as names, ID numbers, addresses, phone numbers, user names, or passwords. This information is private information and is not to be disclosed to anyone without the user's authorization. I understand that doing so is grounds for immediate dismissal.

Standard Procedures

  1. I will help to maintain a pleasant environment in which to work by seeing that the work areas are kept clean and orderly. I understand food, drink, and tobacco products are prohibited in computing areas.
  2. I understand that when the lab in which I am working has been reserved for a class, it is my responsibility to ask the instructor if others may use any remaining computers. I will close the lab to other users if requested to do so by the instructor. During the time a class is in the lab, I shall assist the professor with technical difficulties at his/her request. I shall remain in the lab in no way disturbing the professor or class. I shall leave the lab if requested to do so.
  3. It is my responsibility to learn the standard procedures used in ITS-Client Services and the identity of the members of the staff who can help me with my questions and those of the users I serve.
  4. I will pay special attention to the procedures for handling users' output and to the techniques for using the telephone system and extensions in microcomputer laboratories.
  5. As a Student Consultant, when I am not actively engaged with a user, I will use my time to extend my knowledge about the computer systems and software.
  6. I understand that while I am on duty I am to properly display my name tag.

Work Schedule

  1. It is my responsibility to develop a work schedule in consultation with the Lab Managers, or another staff member designated by him/her. Once my schedule has been approved, I am fully responsible for seeing that my hours are properly "covered". This means if I need to be absent from my assigned job duties during any of my regularly scheduled hours, I will arrange a "substitute" with another suitable member of the lab consultant staff, and will inform my supervisor in writing or through the e-mail of the exact details before the scheduled shift. Failure to do so may be grounds for my dismissal of employment or reassignment from my position.
  2. In the case of a sudden health, weather, or family emergency which prevents my working my scheduled hours, I will inform my supervisor of the emergency situation as soon as possible. If the emergency should occur at night or on weekends, I will inform the Senior Student Lab Manager on duty at that time. I understand that a regularly scheduled class meeting or examination is not considered an emergency.
  3. My failure to work my regularly scheduled hours without prior notice may be grounds for my dismissal or reassignment from my position.

Order and Decorum

  1. As a student staff member of ITS-Client Services it is my responsibility to maintain good order and decorum among the users of the computing center and microcomputer laboratories, and to set an example for them by always behaving in a calm and professional manner. In particular, I will not engage in boisterous conversation or horseplay, either with other staff members or with users, nor in any other behavior which may bring discredit to me, the ITS-Client Services, or the University.
  2. I will not engage in any activity that might be interpreted as sexual harassment. I will not make sexual remarks or use inappropriate language to either users or other student consultants. I will not use any personal information to which I have access in order to approach someone for a date or other social engagement. I will respect the privacy of users and other student consultants.
  1. As a student staff member of ITS-Client Services I understand that all laboratories are to be used for academic purposes. I will not play computer games while on duty and working my computer lab shifts.

Access to Computers

  1. As a Student Consultant of ITS-Client Services I have computing accounts. These accounts are to be used by me to learn more about the systems. I may not use the accounts to do other students' homework, to make a profit, or to harass other users. I may not use the accounts to do work for my classes.
  2. I may use the UNCG lab computers to learn more about them and their software. I understand that it is a violation of the United States copyright laws and a violation of the licensing agreement with software providers to make copies of any copyrighted software and I may not make copies of such software or download any copyright protected materials from the internet.
  3. I will use common sense when it comes to computer use. I know not to use a computer in a way that may be perceived as mischievous or that will infringe upon the computing rights of others.
  4. As a student consultant it is my responsibility to read my e-mail. I am responsible for becoming familiar with the information and procedures contained within my e-mail. I understand that e-mail is the primary contact mechanism use by my supervisors.
  5. I understand that while I'm in an ITS-Client Services facility these rules and conditions contained in this document pertain to me whether I am on duty or not.

VIII. Appendix

ITS-Client Services Lab and Administrative Staff

Veronica Thompson
Student Computing Manager
office: 334-5630
Veronica manages the ITS Student Computing area. She manages the ITS open-access computer labs. She handles all computer lab student personnel and scheduling. She also is the Supervisor of the Evening Lab Manager and the Payroll Process Assistant.
Stacey Grant
Evening Lab Manager
office: 256-1308
Stacey is the evening lab supervisor. She handles computer lab student personnel and work scheduling. She also handles any client related services as it relates to computer accounts and password changes.
Kerry Walker
Student Payroll Processing Assistant
office: 334-5223

Kerry can answer all deparmental Student Payroll questions.

James Eagle
Technical Services Manager James is the Manager for the ITS-Client Services technical staff. These are the staff who fix any technical issues in the computer labs that cannot be handled by the lab consultants.
Jay Purgason
Technology Support Specialist Jay handles the ITS computer lab images. While no issues should be sent directly to Jay's e-mail, it's good to know who he is as he's in the computer labs a lot during Fall/Spring semesters.
Gloria Thornton
Associate Vice Chancellor, ITS-Client Services
office: 256-1305
Mrs. Gloria Thornton is the Associate Vice Chancellor for ITS-Client Services and has responsibility for all areas of computing in ITS-Client Services and works with any problems that can't be handled by the other members of mangement.

2: Labs & Service Desk Telephone Numbers

SuperLab (SSLM on duty) 334-4685 (4-4685 from lab)
Service Desk 6TECH(8324), (68324 from lab)
Bryan 211 256-0488 (6-0488 from lab)Bryan 211
Bryan 221 334-4192 (4-4192 from lab
Eberhart 160 334-4704 (4-4704 from lab
Graham 202 334-5279 (4-5279 from lab)
HHP 336 334-3081 (4-3081 from lab)
MHRA 1305 334-5227 (4-5227 from lab)
Moore 322 256-0177 (6-0177 from lab)
Petty 222 334-4268 (4-4268 from lab)
Stone 127 334-5618 (4-5618 from lab)

Helpful Web Sites & URLs

Contents Web Page or URL
ITS-Client Services Student Consultants
ITS-Client Services's Web Page
Self-service Passwrod Resetting Page (SSPR)
UNCG Web Page
ITS Documentation
UNCG Computer Account Request Page
University Teaching and Learning Center Web Page
Student Laptop Program

ITP Policy on Retention of Student E-Mail Accounts, May 14, 1998

Enrolled students at the University are permitted E-Mail accounts with WWW home page services during their time of study at UNCG, as long as they comply with University and ITP/ITS-Client Services policies on appropriate use. This means:

  1. Enrolled students at the University are permitted E-Mail accounts with WWW home page services during their time of study at UNCG, as long as they comply with University and ITP/ITS-Client Services policies on appropriate use. This means:
  2. E-Mail accounts remain active for students between semesters and over the summer.
  3. E-Mail accounts become inactive if:
    1. The student does not enroll for classes before the end of "add" period in the Fall semester.
    2. The student is enrolled for Fall semester, but does not register for classes before the end of "add" in the Spring semester. In either of the above cases, student accounts are flagged "disabled" and the student will no longer be able to use the account until he or she registers in the following semester. The contents of a "disabled" account remain intact but access to these files can only be obtained by special request to the Director of ITS-Client Services. If the account is not activated (by registering) within one year the account is removed from the system.
  4. For graduating students, accounts will remain active for a period of four months from the date of graduation and then will be flagged "disabled" for a period of eight months after which the accounts will be removed from the system.

Before leaving UNCG students are encouraged to enroll with an Internet Service Provider to maintain their connection to UNCG's Web Pages to keep up with events of interest and opportunities which their University will continue to offer.

Handbook Last Updated: March 17, 2010

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